Tale of the Evenings  (হার্ডকভার)
Tale of the Evenings (হার্ডকভার)
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All your Empty Spaces are empty, hollow and empty, and you are not there. Your occupied spaces are filled with stuff like Ruth, like Apathy, Sympathy, Illusion and Love and Cynicism and Care and Love and Dreams, Birds, Trees, Forests etc. I thought you would be there, but there I couldn’t find you. I looked for you in the crowd and crowdie spaces are full with crowd and unknown unfamiliar Faces, Faces with multi-colors dabbed onto them, everyone there seemed to amuse everyone else, and I know, you are unlikely to be there, so I left. Then I flew to the skies and beyond the skies to look for you, like one sky full with clouds, that you always wanted to be there among the clouds or into that world, the world at least where you meant to live, the world beyond the vicinity of this solar system, where times can not reach and sorrows can not enter, but you are not even there, So where are you …….? I am here, I am here, inside of the Evening of this book, I am here smiling, crying, laughing, singing, Playing, doing daily chores, eating, sleeping Composing dreams and painting life in blue Here, inside of this book, I am breathing I am living, just like you ………………..

Title : Tale of the Evenings
Author : মোহাম্মদ আলী মঈন উদ্দিন সেরনিয়াবাত
Publisher : পদ্মা পাবলিশার্স
ISBN : 9789843370853
Edition : 2013
Number of Pages : 139
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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