Work It : Secrets for Success from the Boldest Women in Business (পেপারব্যাক)
Work It : Secrets for Success from the Boldest Women in Business (পেপারব্যাক)
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You don't have to be a #Girlboss or "lean in" to have a dream career and live a life you love.
In Work It, CEO of Likeable Media and popular podcast host Carrie Kerpen shares lessons from her career and an "advisory board" of powerful women in a wide range of industries to help women everywhere make their aspirations a reality. Packed with actionable tips and stories from the likes of Sheryl Sandberg, Aliza Licht and Reshma Saujani, this inspiring book reveals their counterintuitive secrets for success, including:

-Why women should ditch the 5-year plan to build a successful career
-How and when to use work "superpowers" vs. "pay-to-play" skills
-Why women must stop criticizing each other and start leveraging their collective power
With advice on everything from mastering social media to navigating office politics and the seemingly impossible work/life balance, Work It arms every woman with the courage and skills to achieve success and happiness on her terms.

Title : Work It : Secrets for Success from the Boldest Women in Business
Author : ক্যারি কার্পেন
Publisher : Tarcher Perigee
ISBN : 9780143131816
Edition : 2018
Number of Pages : 241
Country : India
Language : English

ক্যারি কার্পেন হল লাইকেবল মিডিয়ার সহ-প্রতিষ্ঠাতা এবং সিইও, একটি গ্লোবাল কন্টেন্ট স্টুডিও যাকে NYC-তে Crain-এর ষষ্ঠ সেরা স্থান হিসেবে অভিহিত করা হয়েছে। তিনি হিট পডকাস্ট "অল দ্য সোশ্যাল লেডিস" এর হোস্ট এবং আইএনসি এবং ফোর্বসের একজন কলামিস্ট। বই: Work It: Secrets for Success from Badass Women in Business

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