The Voice Of freedom Compiled and edited (হার্ডকভার)
The Voice Of freedom Compiled and edited (হার্ডকভার)
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The Voice of Freedom is a compilation and translation of important Public Speeches, statements and letters of the Father of the nation.
His Public Speeches and policy statements contained in this publication can be divided into three periods. The speeches and statements he made in the Second Constituent Assembly of Pakistan spanning the period of 1959-58 as a young leader basically showed his concern for the well-being of the people of the then East Pakistan, their economic deprivation and their past and future,
During the Martial Law period of General Ayub Khan, he was put in jail for years on political charges. The speeches and statement, he made during the period from his release from the Jail to the declaration of independence on the night of March 25/26 1971 can be termed as declarations reflecting his political thinking and a vision for the Bengali nationhood,
Bangabandhu's speeches and statements made during the period 1972-75 in the Sovereign and Independent Bangladesh reflected his unique leadership qualities, administrative capabilities, his nonaligned foreign policy based on the principles of peaceful co-existence and friendship towards all, his clear and transparent defence policy and above all his political thinking and economic strategy for people's welfare.
Some hand-written letters of the great leader written from Jail to his father Sk Lutfar Rahman, wife Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib, daughter Sk Hasina now Prime Minister of Bangladesh and some prominent political leaders have also been included in this Publication

Title : The Voice Of freedom Compiled and edited
Author : জাহিদ হোসেন
Publisher : বাংলা একাডেমি
ISBN : 9840749307
Edition : 2019
Number of Pages : 363
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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