Love and Other Thought Experiments (পেপারব্যাক)
Love and Other Thought Experiments (পেপারব্যাক)
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'An act of such breath-taking imagination, daring and detail that the journey we are on is believable and the debate in the mind non-stop. There are elements of Doris Lessing in the writing - a huge emerging talent here' Fiona Shaw

'A towering literary achievement' Ruth Hogan, author of The Keeper of Lost Things

Rachel and Eliza are planning their future together. One night in bed Rachel wakes up terrified and tells Eliza that an ant has crawled into her eye and is stuck there. Rachel is certain; Eliza, a scientist, is sceptical. Suddenly their entire relationship is called into question. What follows is a uniquely imaginitive sequence of interlinked stories ranging across time, place and perspective to form a sparkling philosophical tale of love, lost and found across the universe.

Title : Love and Other Thought Experiments
Author : Sophie Ward
Publisher : কর্সার
ISBN : 9781472154606
Edition : 2020
Number of Pages : 260
Country : India
Language : English

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