365 Ways To Save The Environment (হার্ডকভার)
365 Ways To Save The Environment (হার্ডকভার)
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365 Ways to Save the Environment is a one-of-a-kind book. It provides a deep understanding of the grave challenges before planet Earth and its inhabitants which have been inflicted by the greed and insensitivity of human beings. The interesting, often alarming bits of information, along with simple DIY solutions for a green environment, prepare the young readers to be responsible and active citizens who are keen to save the only home we have, our planet Earth from total imminent destruction. This book by Nita Ganguly, an educationist and also an expert in ecology is a Must-have, prized possession in one’s personal library.

Title : 365 Ways To Save The Environment
Author : রীতা গাঙ্গুলী
Publisher : ওম বুকস ইন্টারন্যাশনাল
ISBN : 9789352760954
Edition : 2021
Number of Pages : 236
Country : India
Language : English

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