Hope Over Fate (হার্ডকভার)
Hope Over Fate (হার্ডকভার)
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FAZLE HASAN ABED was a mild- mannered accountant who may be the most influential man most pcople have never heard of. As the founder of BRAC (originally the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee), his work had a profound impact on the lives of millions. A former fnance executive with almost no experience in relief aid, Abed founded BRAC in 1972, aiming to help a few thousand war refugees. Half a century later, BRAC is by many measures the largest nongovernmental organization in the world and, by numerous accounts, the most effective anti-poverty program ever. BRAC seems to stand apart from countless failed development ventures. Its scale is massive, with 100,000 employees reaching more than 100 million people in Asia and Africa. In Bangladesh, where it began, Abed's work gave rise to some of the biggest gains in the basic condition of people's lives ever seen anywhere," according to The Economist. His methods changed the way global policymakers think about poverty. By the time of his death at eighty-three in December 2019, he was revered in international development circles. Yet among the wider public he remained largely unknown. His story has never been told-until now. Abed avoided the limelight. He thought his own story was of little consequence compared to the millions of women who rose from poverty with BRAC's help, bending the arc ofhistory through their own tenacity and grit. The challenges he faced often seemed insurmountable. Abed's personal life was a tapestry of love and griefa lover's suicide, a wife who died in his arms. He

Title : Hope Over Fate
Author : স্কট ম্যাকমিলান
Publisher : বাতিঘর
ISBN : 9789849699507
Edition : 2nd Print, 2023
Number of Pages : 312
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

SCOTT MACMILLAN is a Canadian author, entrepreneur, and speaker, and is the President and Executive Publisher at Grammar Factory Publishing.Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Scott has more than twenty years'

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