Escape from Pakistan (হার্ডকভার)
Escape from Pakistan (হার্ডকভার)
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The author of this book Escape from Pakistan represents many Bengali armed force officers who were posted in Pakistan during the Liberation War and who made every effort to contribute to the War of Liberation of their motherland. The author was an officer in the Pakistan Air Forces and was based in Sargodha, Pakistan when the war broke out in Bangladesh. He vividly portrayed the dilemma and guilt of himself and his colleague cum friend who accompanied him on their dangerous quest to become a freedom fighter. From their fears and hesitations about their duties in the prevailing circumstance to landing on the soil of independent Bangladesh, the narrative presents their determination to escape, taking the risk of getting caught and being detained, their struggle, peril, and frustration throughout the journey.

Title : Escape from Pakistan
Author : মোহাম্মদ মোজাম্মেল হক
Publisher : দি ইউনিভার্সিটি প্রেস লিমিটেড
ISBN : 9789845064705
Edition : 1st Published, 2025
Number of Pages : 111
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

Muhammad Muzammel Haque was born on November 27, 1949 in Mymensingh district. He received his initial schooling from Mymensingh Zila School. In 1962, he joined PAF Public School, Lowertopa, Murree Hills, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. After completing his education there, he joined PAF Academy, Risalpur, where he was commissioned as a Pilot Officer in the Pakistan Air Force. During the Liberation War, he was posted at PAF Base, Sargodha, Pakistan. After escaping from Pakistan and arriving in Dhaka, Bangladesh, he joined the Bangladesh Air Force and served for a brief period before he took retirement.

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